Meeting record №145
"Spirit of Speyside"
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In early May, The Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival takes place in Speyside. It was first held in 1999, and since then, Speyside's annual celebration of Scotland's national drink has grown into one of the largest events of its kind in the world. With a program of over 700 whisky, the festival is a Mecca for both the curious novice and whisky connoisseurs. But this year, alas, the festival did not take place, which is very disappointing.

The Whisky Connoisseurs Club considers it necessary to at least partially make up for the lost emotions and impressions by holding its own small Spirit of Speyside festival!
Ukrainian Whisky Connoisseurs Club
named after Aleksey Ya. Savchenko

+38 050 310 75 81
Sofiivska sq., 16/16, Kyiv